Committed to Conservation
We are excited to be working with Environmental Conservation Consultancy (ECC), a progressive and innovative company utilizing drones and GIS "to deliver accurate orthophotomosaics, digital elevation models, terrain models, contour extraction, volumetric analysis, watershed analysis, vegetation and NDVI analysis and costume object-based image analysis algorithm development". This all sounds like a mouthful and incredibly technical but the developers of the company are genuine, incredibly generous conservationists, based in South Africa. The team at ECC have started to analyze our camera trap data to give us more of an idea of population densities of specific species utilizing an oil palm plantation between tracts of forest in the Leuser Ecosystem, North Sumatra. They have even started to help us identify individual Sumatran tigers based on stripe patterns caught on camera trap images. The technology they use is groundbreaking, innovative and extremely clever, with over 30 years of experience in conservation based management. The CEO Meyer, trained our original team of rangers back in 2016, and generously donated the equipment needed to kick-start the program into a professional and skilled ranger team. The support of Meyer and Rozaan as well as ECC has been vital to help us delve into a deeper understanding of the wildlife and landscape we are trying to protect.